What's in the z/OS Systems Programming Level 2 package?

The z/OS Level 2 Systems Programming OpenTicket - access to all these courses:

z/OS UNIX System Services Part 2 - Configuration & Implementation (3 days)

RACF for z/OS Systems Programmers (3 days)

RACF Security in a UNIX System Services Environment (2 days)

Parallel Sysplex Internals & Fundamentals (3 days)

HSM Implementation & Customisation (2 days)

z/OS Communications Server Part 2 (4 days)

Parallel Sysplex: Operations, Troubleshooting & Recovery (3 days)

z/OS System Anatomy Part 2 - z/OS Infrastructure & Services (5 days)

z/OS Performance & Tuning with Workload Manager (3 day)

Advanced Assembler and Macro Usage (4 days)

z/OS Diagnostics & Debugging (5 days)

TCP/IP Security in a z/OS Environment using Policy Agent & RACF (5 days)

z/OS System Problems Resolved - Quickly and Effectively (3 days)

IMS/DB & IMS/TM for Technical Support (5 days)

The zSecure Suite Level 1 - Foundation Skills (5 days)

How much does this OpenTicket™ cost?

This 12 month Foundation Skills OpenTicket costs £23,200 + VAT.

How do I buy one?

Simply select the appropriate package and send the candidate's name and the date you want your OpenTicket to commence, along with your purchase order, to openticket@rsm.co.uk. We will do the rest.

Is the RSM OpenTicket™ transferable?

For customers, the OpenTicket is a no-risk option. Each OpenTicket is designated to an individual, reflecting their particular needs, so is not transferable. But, if an OpenTicket holder cannot complete their programme for any reason (ill-health, leaves the organisation, etc.), RSM will calculate the fees for the courses already taken and deduct that from the price paid for the OpenTicket, refunding the balance or crediting to the purchaser.

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