z/OSMF - Using Software Management & Software Update
This new one-day course, 40%of which comprises hands-on lab exercises, teaches how to install z/OS, software products and maintenance.
This knowlede is necessary because, since z/OS 2.5, all new software products and z/OS need to use z/OSMF to install the software. This makes this course essential for all those who will be doing this in the future.
As this is a replacement for ServerPac, the theory behind ServerPac will also be explained.
What you will learn
On successful completion of this course you will be able to:
- explain what z/OSMF is and what it does
- logon to z/OSMF and use Software Management
- describe the theory behind ServerPac
- discuss the differences between Portable Software Instance and a Software Instance
- use the steps taken in Software Management to install z/OS and a Software Product
- run reports from Software Management
- install Maintenance using Software Update
Who Should Attend
Systems Programmers responsible for using SMP/E to install products and service in the z/OS environment.
This course is only open to students who have attended the RSM course SMP/E for Installation & Maintenance, or who are experienced in using SMP/E.
1 day
Fee (per attendee)
£600 (ex VAT)
This includes free online 24/7 access to course notes.
Hard copy course notes are available on request from rsmshop@rsm.co.uk
at £50.00 plus carriage per set.
Course Code
What is z/OSMF?
Logging on to z/OSMF and Using Software Management
ServerPac Theory
Installing a Portable Software Instance
Configuring the Steps to Install z/OS and a Software Product
Running Reports
Installing Maintenance with Software Update