z/OS Environment: Foundations & Facilities

For a fast-track start to a career in z/OS systems programming and administration, this is the ideal course. The course provides solid knowledge of z/OS foundations and facilities that make up the z/OS technical environment. The significant system services and facilities are all explained and demonstrated. These include the flow of a job through the system, JES, UNIX System Services, the z/OS Communications Server, z/OS storage management and z/OS system security.

Throughout the course there are practical, hands-on sessions that give students the opportunity to actually experience the use of the tools and techniques.

This course is available for exclusive, one-company presentations either on-site at your location or live over the Internet, via RSM's Virtual Classroom Environment service.

What you will learn

On successful completion of this course you will be able to:

  • build a high-level installation and configuration plan for a z/OS environment.
  • explain the system initialization process in z/OS
  • describe address spaces, data spaces and hyperspaces
  • explain paging and swapping
  • define z/OS tasks
  • describe the flow of a job
  • understand the concepts of JES
  • explain the I/O process
  • describe the Workload Manager and its functions
  • explain z/OS recovery
  • list the various problem determination tools
  • explain the concepts of z/OS storage management
  • describe the concepts and facilities of UNIX System Services
  • understand mainframe networking principles
  • describe the functions and principles of RACF

Who Should Attend

Technical personnel who are new to the z/OS environment.


Basic familarity with the IBM mainframe computing environment, including the use of TSO and JCL.


5 days

Fee (per attendee)

£2950 (ex VAT)


This includes free online 24/7 access to course notes.


Hard copy course notes are available on request from rsmshop@rsm.co.uk

at £50.00 plus carriage per set.

Course Code



Stage 1 - z/OS Overview

What hardware can do; Software responsibilities; z/OS - an operating system; z/OS components; z/OS - always in storage; Getting real work out of it; Initiators; The application program; Program Execution Environments; Running 'real' programs; Job Management; Resource Control; Allocation; Task Management; Program Management; Supervisor Services; Storage Management; I/O processing; Access Methods; IOS drivers; I/O Supervisor (IOS); I/O processing; Workload Manager (WLM); Recovery Termination Manager (RTM); Abnormal termination - application; Sysplex; Using sysplex; z/OS components that exploit sysplex; Other components that use sysplex; Parallel sysplex; Exploiting the parallel sysplex.

Stage 2 - Storage Management: Virtual Storage Concepts

Loading programs; real storage problems; DAT; segments & pages; page stealing & UIC; page faults; demand paging; dispatching address spaces; swapping & paging.

Stage 2 - z/OS Storage Management

Loading programs; real storage problems; DAT; segments & pages; page stealing & UIC; page faults; demand paging; dispatching address spaces; swapping & paging.

Stage 3 - Managing Work: Program Manager

The search sequence used by the program manager when attempting to load a module; performance and load module integrity issues; using LOAD; LINK; XCTL; Linkage Stack; control blocks; JOBLIB/STEPLIB.

Stage 3 - Managing Work: Dispatcher

nits of work- SRBs & TCBs; dispatching sequence; address space structure; ASCB/ASXB contents; TCB contents.

Stage 3 - Managing Work: Inter Address Space Communication

Hiperspaces; data spaces; cross memory services; service request blocks (SRBs); the cross-system coupling facility (XCF).

Stage 3 - Managing Work: SVC Processing

Installing SVC routines in an MVS system; SVC types; SVC FLIH; status saving; SVC coding conventions; SVCUPDTE facility.

Stage 3 - Managing Work: Resource Control

Resource serialization and how it is accomplished through the use of ENQ/DEQ sequences; shared DASD; GRS & Sysplex; locking; lock categories; SETLOCK, SPIN & SUSPEND; lock manager processing.

Stage 3 - Managing Work: Workload Manager

WLM's purpose; WLM's tools; compatibility mode; dispatching priorities; storage isolation; logical swapping; user & system think times; goal mode implications; classification rules; response time goals; velocity goals; discretionary goals.

Stage 3 - Managing Work: USS Features & Services

UNIX internals overview; The Kernel: LOADxx and the IPL process: Load Unit Address,The LOAD parameter - ddddxxsn,The LOADxx member; The UNIX support in z/OS; Displaying OMVS processes; The UNIX support in z/OS; USS z/OS packaging; z/OS and USS comparative functions; Terminal and workstation support; Special TSO/E commands; Controlling z/OS UNIX - BPXPRMxx parmlib member; Displaying OMVS information; Displaying OMVS information; ulimit - a (shell command); New ISPF panels; The Shell; USS functions; Processes and fork(); fork() and shared storage; spawn() function; Inter-Process Communications functions; Memory mapped files; Threads; Daemon processes; The UNIX file system; The system files - /etc, /dev, /bin and others; Display File systems; Practical exercise.

Stage 4 - Input/Output Processing: HCD

I/O configuration principles; Logical Channel Subsystems; I/O configuration practicalities; I/O configuration addressing; Commands to display the status of channels and devices; HCD definition process; Objects managed by HCD; LOAD member of PARMLIB; IODF processing at IPL; IPL & NIP LOAD messages.

Stage 4 - Input/Output Processing: I/O Processing

Why I/O processing?; what is I/O?; MVS support for I/O processing software; MVS and I/O processing; Application I/O; the application program; the DD statement; going to the Access Method; the Access Method; getting the channel program started; EXCP - an IOS Driver; IOS 'Front End'; actually starting the I/O; the I/O engine at work; the Channel Sub-System (CSS); Hardware System Area (HSA); "The I/O Farm"; the I/O Interrupt; IOS Post processing; back to the Access Method; the I/O process from A to Z; starting the I/O; going back from starting the I/O; I/O complete; caching concepts; Read Hit; Write commands; Write Hit; Read Miss; Write Miss; cache modes; review questions - Input/Output processing.

Stage 5 - Data Management: VSAM Overview

MVS and I/O processing; The access methods; The IOS Drivers; The I/O Supervisor (IOS); The Back-End process; MVS access methods; Queued Sequential Access Method; Basic Direct Access Method; Basic Partitioned Access Method; PDSE processing; And now to VSAM; VSAM features; Entry Sequenced Data Set (ESDS); Key Sequenced Data Set (KSDS); Relative Record Data Set (RRDS); Catalog concepts; ICF catalogs and VTOCS; ICF catalogs (BCS); VSAM Volume Data Set (VVDS); Cluster Catalog (BCS) entries; Alternate indexes and paths; VSAM overview - exercises.

Stage 5 - Data Management: Focus on Storage Management

What is storage management?; Space management roles; DFSMS products; DFSMS Optimizer; NaviQuest feature; advantages of an SMS environment; availability management; performance management.

Stage 6 - Job Management: Job Flow in z/OS

Introduction; Once upon a time: System 360 architecture, Real storage, CPU, I/O: S/370 architecture: Main storage, CPU, I/O, DAS; S/370 XA: Main storage + Expanded Storage, CPU, I/O: ESA/370; ESA/390; z/Architecture; Operating systems; A sample JOB; The role of MVS; MVS components; Job flow overview; Initialization; Creating a user address space; The Job Entry Subsystem; The initiator; Resource control; Program Manager; SFWJOB executed; Interrupts; Interrupt handlers and status saving; The dispatcher; Requesting I/O; Synchronizing I/O requests; The Recovery Termination Manager; The initiator/terminator; The Workload Manager; Job flow review.

Stage 7 - IPL and System Management: System Initialisation

Sysgen and IPL processes; the function of the LOAD parameter and the LOADxx member of PARMLIB; concepts of authorised programs; the subsystem interface.

Stage 8 - Termination and Recovery Analysis: Recovery Termination Manager

Recovery routines available to user programs and the Recovery Termination Manager; RMS; program termination types; ESPIE; ESTAE; FRR routines.

Stage 8 - Termination and Recovery Analysis: Introduction to SMP/E

What is 'System Modification Program Extended'?; What makes a product?; SMP/E elements; How products are packaged; System modifications; SMP/E database; Receiving a SYSMOD; Applying, accepting and restoring a SYSMOD; System Generation; Consolidated Software Inventory; CSI configuration option; Invoking SMP/E.

Stage 9 - Installing and Configuring: Installing Products & Service

Reporting problems to the vendor; Preparing for installation; Installing maintenanc; Product delivery mechanisms used by IBM; CustomPac service; The Recommended Service Upgrade; ShopzSeries; PSP buckets; HOLD FIXCAT; Fix Categories; Receiving FIXCAT HOLDs; APPLY / ACCEPT FIXCAT operand; REPORT MISSINGFIX command.

Stage 10: z/OS Communications Server Introduction

Mainframe networks; SNA introduction; TCP/IP introduction.

Stage 11 - Security: Introduction to RACF

What is RACF?; Why do we need security?; Security in the 'old days'; Security these days; What security do we need?; Where are the dangers?; How can RACF help?; RACF profiles; How RACF operates; The RACF database; Multiple data set database; Resource classes.

Stage 11 - Security: Cryptography, SSL, Ciphers & Digital Certificates

Cryptography in Internet applications; Public key cryptography overview; What is a digital certificate?; Public key & certificate; Uses for certificates in applications; Secure Sockets Layer (SSL); Secret key cryptography; Ciphers used in secret key cryptography; Notes on secret key ciphers; Public key cryptography; Public key ciphers; Message integrity; Message digest algorithms; Message Authentication Codes; Using the ciphers; Ciphers; SSL protocol; How SSL works; SSL Session ID; The SSL layer; System SSL; System SSL on z/OS; Why TLS; Hardware cryptography on System Z; Crypto support in z/OS; SSL and Crypto devices; Three types of encryption keys; Clear Key processing; Secure Key processing; Master Keys and Key Data Sets; Protected Key/Wrapping Key.

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