WebSphere Studio Application Developer

This three-day course teaches the use of WebSphere Studio Application Developer, which combines the possibilities of VisualAge for Java and WebSphere Studio in a completely renewed IDE (Integrated Development Environment) based on J2EE.
The course comprises formal tuition, demonstrations and practical exercises.

This course is available for one-company, on-site presentations.

What you will learn

On successful completion of this course you will be able to:

  • gain an insight into the possibilities of WSAD as IDE for the development of all the elements in a J2EE environment
  • describe the with the different perspectives, views and editors of WSAD
  • describe the fundamentals of web application development by means Page Designer, HTML, cascading style sheets, servlets and JSPs
  • build applications in team
  • use Access Builders and connectors to backend systems (Integration Edition)
  • create Web services by means of WSAD.

Who Should Attend

Application developers and analyst-programmers who are going to work with WSAD.


Knowledge of J2SE APIs, some familiarity with the object oriented principles in Java and the basic concepts of XML.


3 days

Fee (per attendee)



This includes free online 24/7 access to course notes.


Hard copy course notes are available on request from rsmshop@rsm.co.uk

at £50.00 plus carriage per set.

Course Code



WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD) as integrated development environment

Navigation in the workbench; perspectives; views; editions; debugging; incremental compilation; code import and export.

Java development

Web application development

Page Designer; HTML; cascading style sheets; servlets and JSPs; testing and debugging.

Use of XML inside WSAD

Enterprise Access Builders (Integrated Edition)

Use of WSAD for distributed applications; connectors.

Development of Web services by means of WSAD

Team development

Repository management;· CVS;· editions and versions;· ClearCase LT; team development process.

To bring into production

Code export;· Java Archive File;· Web Archive;· Entreprise Archives; deployment.

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