Networking with z/OS - Boot Camp
This comprehensive ten-day 'Boot Camp' course provides attendees with an accelerated learning approach to networks in a z/OS environment. The course is ideal for anyone new to mainframe networks.
The course comprehensively covers SNA/ VTAM, APPN, TCP/IP and also provides vital information on mainframe network security.
This course is also available for exclusive, one-company presentations either on-site at your location or live over the Internet, via RSM's Virtual Classroom Environment service.
,br>Please note that the next publicly available presentation runs on 23-27 February (Part 1) and 16-20 March (Part 2), from Sundays to Thursdays at Central European Time (i.e. 1 hour ahead of UK time).
Virtual Classroom Environment dates - click to book!
UK Start Times
23 February 2025What is a 'Virtual Classroom Environment'?
What do I need?
- webcam
- headphones with microphone
- sufficient bandwidth, at least 1.5 Mb/s in each direction.
What you will learn
On successful completion of this course you will be able to:
- list the characteristics of APPC communication
- identify the major SNA components and their role within the architecture
- identify and use the various address structures used in SNA
- describe the purpose and data flow characteristics of each session type
- explain how chaining, bracketing and pacing operate
- identify the major SNA commands and command flows
- characterise SNA requests and responses
- interpret SNA message structures at each level
- describe the operation of path control and its components
- list the characteristics of APPC communication
- define and configure the Enterprize Extender
- describe the importance and use of APPC verbs
- identify the APPN node types and explain their function
- explain the principles of APPN routing and addressing
- define startup and session establishment procedures to VTAM
- reinforce understanding of SNA architecture implementation
- define network resources (major/minor nodes) to VTAM
- avoid the most common mistakes made by new users
- identify and code routing requirements for a VTAM network
- code the definitions to support cross-domain communication
- understand uses of VTAM console commands
- describe various backup/recovery facilities
- understand the use of VTAM generics and Multi Node Persistent sessions in a Parallel Sysplex
- define these components in a Parallel Sysplex
- describe the main objectives of the TCP/IP protocols
- explain the structure and use of IP addresses
- distinguish between an application and a protocol
- identify TCP/IP message formats
- explain what port numbers are and why some are well known
- explain how IP routing operates and how messages are delivered to the right node
- understand the function, purpose, and use of subnetting, and be able to specify suitable subnet masks for given implementations
- describe how the FTP application operates and how it can be used
- explain how the Telnet and TN3270 applications operate and how they can be used
- explain how the world wide web application operates
- describe how TCP operates and how connections are established, used, and terminated
- explain retransmission, sliding windows, and out of band data
- describe how UDP operates
- explain fragmentation and reassembly
- explain the purpose of CIDR and describe how it operates
- describe the purpose and function of the ICMP protocols and give examples of their use
- describe the purpose and function of the ARP protocol and state why it is required
- describe the purpose and use of the RARP protocol and its relationship to the BootP and DHCP protocols
- explain how a TCP/IP network can be installed, configured, tested, and managed
- explain how public/private key encryption techniques work
- describe the contents and use of a Digital Certificate
- state the purpose of the Secure Sockets Layer
- describe the principles of Firewalls
- describe the structure, operation and the addressing mechanisms used in a TCP/IP network
- list the major configuration steps involved in customising TCP/IP for z/OS and explain the Security Server customisation required in z/OS
- explain the purpose and use of Virtual IP addressing (VIPA) and explain how to code for both a static and dynamic VIPA configuration
- describe how to define devices to TCP/IP for z/OS and explain how to define the TCP/IP for z/OS host IP address(es)
- describe the purpose and customisation of the DATA data set
- define the host name, domain name and DNS information
- describe the purpose and use of the HOSTS file and the SERVICES data set
- explain the configuration of the TN3270 server and the SNA gateway and explain the VTAM configuration required to support the gateway
- implement a VTAM USS table for TN3270 users
- describe the operation and customisation of the FTP server and its major security features
- explain how to implement the TLS and SSL protocol technology to protect data exchanges between client and server applications.
- explain the operation and customisation of the SMTP server and the Routed server
- describe the purpose and use of the major MVS, TSO and USS commands
- explain how to start, stop and interpret a TCP/IP packet trace and a component trace
- describe in overview how SNMP is implemented on z/OS and list the steps involved in customising SNMP under z/OS
- describe how Digital Certificates can be implemented and used within z/OS and how various clients and servers use the certificates.
- understand and interpret a VTAM/APPN Trace.
Who Should Attend
Systems Programmers and Network Administrators working in a z/OS environment.
An understanding of the z/OS environment.
10 days
Fee (per attendee)
£4750 (ex VAT)
This includes free online 24/7 access to course notes.
Hard copy course notes are available on request from
at £50.00 plus carriage per set.
Course Code
SNA Introduction
What is SNA?; Pre-SNA networks; SNA hardware and software; SNA elements; Sessions; SNA layers; SNA message units; Session establishment sequence; Why APPN?; APPN node types; Resource registration; Resource location; LU-LU session activation; Locating resources.
Introduction to Networking and TCP/IP
Key features of networks; Network boundaries; Network components; Node, stations and hosts; Transmission media; Local network devices, segments and backbones; Routing devices and subnets; Network protocols; What is TCP/IP?; Why TCP/IP?; The growth of the Internet; Internetworking principles; IP addressing; IP address and physical address; Internet domain names and hierarchy; TCP/IP protocols; Common user applications; Common system applications; The Next Generation.
VTAM/APPN Console Commands
The START command; The DISPLAY command; The VARY command; The MODIFY command; The HALT command.
VTAM/APPN Network Addressable Units
SNA Network Addressable Units (NAUs); SSCP/CP functions; PU types; Message flow; Address awareness; Subarea network addresses; APPN network address; Local addresses; Address conversion.
SNA Sessions
Sessions and half-sessions; half session layers; session types; setup flows; initiation sequences; logon request processing; LU-LU session types.
VTAM/APPN Network Installation & Definition
Network planning; Network installation; MVS installation considerations; VM installation considerations; Network related datasets; VTAM start procedure; Structure of SYS1.VTAMLST; The ATCSTR00 member of SYS1.VTAMLST; The ATCCON00 member of SYS1.VTAMLST; Network definition - major & minor nodes.
TCP/IP Architecture & Operation
Requests For Comments (RFCs); Protocol boundaries; Port numbers; Message formats; Transport & network protocols; A tale of two transports; Principles of IP routing.
TCP/IP User-Oriented Applications
Client/Server applications; Addressing the server; Berkeley Sockets; A TCP communication; A UDP communication; The File Transfer Protocol application; Using FTP; The Telnet application; Using Telnet; The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol; The Post Office Protocol v3; Using SMTP and POP3; The World Wide Web application; Using the Web.
TCP/IP System-Oriented Applications
Resolving Internet domain names; The Domain Name System; Domain Name resolution; The Network File System; The Network File System architecture; The Network File System in operation; The Network File System port numbers; Network management - problems; Simple Network Management Protocol; Network management - solution.
An Overview of TCP/IP on z/OS
TCP/IP for z/OS; TCP/IP access to SNA applications; How the gateway works; SNA access to TCP/IP applications; Communications Storage Manager; Device connectivity; Device attachments; Direct vs indirect attachment; Direct attachment problem; Virtual IP addressing - the solution; Sharing attachments across LPARs; UNIX Systems Services considerations.
TCP/IP for z/OS Installation
UNIX Systems Services prerequisites; Security Server prerequisites; Communications storage manager; Datasets required; TCP/IP and TN3270 procedures; Required host information; Customising the DATA dataset; DATA dataset syntax; Association with the TCP/IP stack; Specifying the Host Name and Domain Name; Specifying the name server parameters; A typical DATA dataset; RESOLVER; RESOLVER procedure; RESOLVER files; Resolver other statements; CINET GLOBALTCPIPDATA; TCPIP.DATA search order; VTAM TRL Major Node; Servers and devices; HCD definitions; Sysplex distributor; z/OS libraries required; 'Must Have' reference manuals; 'Nice to Have' reference manuals.
TCP/IP for z/OS - Command Overview
Starting and stopping TCP/IP; commands: MODIFY, VARY, OBEYFILE, NETSTAT.
APPN/HPR Concepts
Introduction to APPN; APPN protocol; Base and Towers; SNA layer model; Why APPC?; APPC LU differences; Route calculation; APPN Class Of Service; APPN COS definition in VTAM; Transmission groups; Channel to Channel Adapters; Cross domain logon processing; PU Type 2.1; The Address Space Manager; APPN and the Boundary Function; Link Stations; APPN Node Services.
APPN/HPR Topology
Topology Database - Part One; Learning of Topology; Topology Database - Part Two; Topology Database - Part Three; Garbage Collection; HPR overview; The High Performance pouting principle; Rapid Transport Protocol; RTP Route Recovery; APPN/HPR options; Adaptive rate based pacing; ISTRTPNM; HPR only links.
TCP/IP Network Level Protocols
Resolving Internet domain names; the Network Level Protocols; IP services; IP address classes; subnetting principles; subnetting mechanism; subnetting in action; IP datagram format; fragmentation and reassembly; type of service; Time To Live; IP datagram format review; IP address space exhaustion; Classless Inter-Domain Routing: CIDR in action; Internet Control Message Protocol: ICMP message format, example ICMP messages; Address Resolution Protocol: ARP message format, ARP in action; Reverse Address Resolution Protocol: RARP in action, RARP message format; the Bootstrap Protocol: BootP message format, BootP in action, the problem with BootP; Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol: DHCP message format.
TCP/IP Basic Profile Definitions
Customising the PROFILE dataset; PROFILE dataset syntax; Device interface properties; Statements that define an interface; The basic DEVICE statement; The basic LINK statement; Defining LCS devices; Defining CLAW devices; OSAs, Hipersockets and Channel Attached Routers; OSA diagnostic device; QDIO and non-QDIO; OSA Express CHPID definitions; Adding an OSA Control Unit and device; Adding OSAD device; Hipersockets; Hipersockets definition; CHPID Type IQD; MTU sizes; Channel Attached Routers and Servers; Defining MPCPTP devices; Defining MPCIPA devices; The HOME statement; The START statement; INTERFACE - IPAQENET OSA-Express QDIO interfaces statement; Syntax for INTERFACE - IPAQENET OSA-Express QDIO; Syntax for INTERFACE -- IPAQIDIO HiperSockets interfaces statement; The routing statements; Subnetting - a reminder; The GATEWAY statement; The BEGINROUTES statement; The BSDROUTINGPARMS statement; Variable subnets and GATEWAY; Variable subnets and BEGINROUTES; Operational statements.
SNA/APPN User-Coded Tables
Assembled Tables; Unformatted System Services (USS) logon procedure; Mode Tables; USS Tables; USSCMD macro format; USSPARM macro format; SNA/SCS message 10 example; SNA character set; Setting colours; Non-SNA/3270 message 10 example; 3270 commands and orders.
SNA/APPN - Other Datasets Needed
The SITE dataset; The SERVICES file.
TCP/IP Server Customisation
Configurable servers; TN3270 customisation steps; updating the TN3270 started task JCL; TelnetGlobals statement; Reducing demand for ECSA storage; TELNETPARMS statement; The PORT statement; BEGINVTAM statement; VTAM application major node; defining a USS table; identifying the USS table in the PROFILE dataset; UNIX Telnet server; customising the INETD server; starting Inetd and Telnet; SSHD UNIX files; SSHD - Using ICSF and /dev/random);SSHD - Creating configuration files; SSHD - Creating SSHD server keys; SSHD - Set up SSHD server userids; SSHD - Create SSHD server started task; SSHD - TCP configuration; SSHD - Verify z/OS DNS / Resolver operation; FTP server; FTPS and SFTP; Pros and cons of FTPS and SFTP; customising the FTP.DATA dataset; customising the PROFILE and SERVICES datasets for FTP; Starting FTP; SYSLOGD ;SYSLOGD -/dev/console and /dev/log ; SYSLOGD Create the syslog daemon configuration file; SYSLOGD Create empty syslog output file; SYSLOGD - Port and Services assignments ; SYSLOGD Started Task JCL; OMVS startup ;SYSLOGD RACF Definitions; operation and customisation of the ROUTED server; OMPROUTE; OMPROUTE - Configuration file; OMPROUTE Reserve the ports; OMPROUTE - Update the Resolver Configuration File; OMPROUTE - Started Task JCL; OMPROUTE Services Port Numbers; OMPROUTE - RACF defintions; OMPROUTE - SYSLOGD; OMPROUTE - Static Routes; OMPROUTE - Configure OSPF authentication; CSSMTP v SMTPD; SMTPD to CSSMTP migration considerations; Installing CSSMTP with Started Class procedure; RACF OPERCMDS CLASS; Additional security if required; The CSSMTP Configuration file; Resolver Search; Starting CSSMTP; Customising other servers.
APPN & VTAM Data Flow
The NAU layers; session profiles; session level pacing; adaptive session level pacing; request chaining; bracketing; Send/Receive modes; function management headers; BIND command; LU6.2 negotiable BIND; Negotiable BIND parameter; Conversations and sessions; Types of conversation; Starting a conversation; APPC Function Management Headers; FMH-5 contents; FMH-7 contents; FMH-12 contents; Generalised Data Stream; Service Transaction Program GDS IDs; Conversation message flows; Major architectural verbs; Implementation differences; Sample APPC application.
APPN Message Structures
Message format and flow; RU categories; BIU structures; request header format; response header format; transmission header formats; additional TH fields; FID conversion.
TCP/IP Transport Level Protocols
TCP and UDP compared; Transport Level Message formats; UDP datagram format; UDP checksum pseudo-header; UDP in action; TCP segment format; TCP checksum pseudo-header; connection setup and release; sequence numbers; segment acknowledgement; TCP reliability; TCP Sliding Windows; Sliding Windows in action; TCP Control Flags; TCP Segment Format; TCP Finite State Machine; establishing a TCP connection; TCP data transfer; TCP connection release.
Configuring & Managing a TCP/IP Network
Setting up a TCP/IP host; Network infrastructure; Interconnection devices; TCP/IP addressing & naming; Choosing names & addresses; Security & privacy; Firewalls & encryption; Public key encryption - principle; Public key encryption - capabilities; Digital certificates; Secure Sockets Layer; Firewalls - packet filtering; Firewalls - screened subnet.
Network Security
Vulnerabilities; The user; The user's operating system; Software running on the user's system; Lack of security in the communicating protocol; An inherent weakness of the network the user is on; Wireless networks; Internet based threats; Defense; Firewalls; Intrusion Prevention; Anti-virus software; Updates and Patches; User education; Tools; Wireshark; Backtrack; Metasploit/Armitage; Social Engineering Toolkit (SET).
RACF & Digital Certificates
Cryptography in Internet applications; Public key cryptography overview; What is a digital certificate?; Public key & certificate; Uses for certificates in applications; Secure Sockets Layer (SSL); Digital certificates and RACF; How RACF uses digital certificates; RACF classes & commands; RACF certification generation; RACDCERT command; Creating a certificate; Gencert examples; Key rings; Certification installation; RACDCERT ADD examples; Certification installation; Certificate management; Exploiters of certificates; Exporting a certificate; Certificates are packaged in formats; Steps for migrating a certificate and its ICSF private key in the PKDS; KEYXFER Utility; Renew a certificate; Examples of REKEY and ROLLOVER; Certificate mapping; Miscellaneous issues; RACF Key Ring protection classes; Global FACILITYclass profiles; Sharing a private key; RDATALIB class; RACDCERT granular administration; RACDCERT granular control; Listing, removing & deleting; Password enveloping; How does password enveloping work?; Password enveloping - exceptions.
Sysplex Introduction
What is sysplex?; Not a new concept; So what's new?; 'Before' and 'after' sysplex; XCF sysplex requirements; Components of the XCF sysplex; Server Time Protocol; Clock synchronization techniques; XCF sysplex definitions; XCF sysplex services; Signalling and Status Monitoring services; Group services; The parallel sysplex; The parallel sysplex concept; Couple Data Sets; XES availability with SFM.
VIPAs and Sysplex
VIPAs; Static VIPA; Dynamic VIPA; Virtual IP addressing - a reminder; Defining VIPA devices; Specifying the source IP address; Syntax for INTERFACE - VIRTUAL interfaces statement; Examples of the INTERFACE statement for VIPA; IP solutions in a sysplex; Communication paths in a Sysplex; DynamicXCF transport choices; IUTSAMEH; XCF Groups and their usage; Display XCF groups; DYNAMICXCF; DYNAMICXCF & HiperSockets; Dynamic VIPA - introduction; Dynamic VIPA takeover; Stack-managed DVIPA; Non-disruptive dynamic VIPA takeback; Application-specific DVIPA; IOCTL or Command-Activated DVIPA; Dynamic VIPA statements; MODDVIPA (EZBXFDVP) utility; Dynamic VIPA usage; When does the DVIPA move?; Load balancing and availability; Sysplex Distributor; How the Sysplex Distributor works; Backup capability; Recovery; The role of dynamic routing with Sysplex Distributor; Sysplex Distributor and policy; Sysplex Distributor and MNLB; Connection Optimizing DNS; Information flow overview; DNS weights; DNS/WLM registration; Starting the DNS server; Distributed VIPA - introduction; Distributed VIPA statements; Single system IP perspective of the sysplex; TCPSTACKSOURCEVIPA / SYSPLEXPORTS; CFRM policy example.
Enterprise Extender
z/OS services for SNA traffic; APPN parameters in startup options; Implementation considerations; VTAM implementation; Defining the XCA HPRIP major node; Defining model major nodes for EE connections and RTP pipes; Defining switched PUs for EE connection; TCP/IP implementation; IUTSAMEH; DYNAMICXCF; DYNAMICXCF & HiperSockets; Modifications to TCP/IP profile; Modifications to OSPF interface; Proof of initialisation of IUTSAMEH; VTAM implementation; Defining the XCA HPRIP major node; Defining model Major Nodes for EE connections and RTP pipes; Defining switched PUs for EE connections; TCP/IP implementation; DYNAMICXCF; IUTSAMEH; DYNAMICXCF & HiperSockets; Modifications to TCP/IP profile; Modifications to OSPF interface; Proof of initialisation of IUTSAMEH.
Introduction to VTAM trace; Starting a trace; Trace details.
TCP/IP Problem Determination Considerations
Problem determination tools; The PING and OPING commands; The TRACERTE and the OTRACERT commands; TCP/IP SYSLOG output ; TCP/IP packet trace overview; Starting a packet trace; The external writer procedure; Stopping a packet trace; Analysing a packet trace with IPCS; Analysing a packet trace; Non-z/OS packet traces; TCP/IP component trace overview; Starting and stopping a component trace; Analysing a component trace via IPCS; Analysing a component trace; Other available traces.