z/OS Foundation Skills Boot Camp - Advanced
This ten-day Boot Camp course combines the essential introduction to the IBM Z Systems enterprise computing environment five-day foundation skills boot camp will further advanced subjects and skills.
The concepts, facilities and use of TSO and IBM's Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) are taught during the first five days, with a focus on the functions for data editing and dataset management. The week concludes with an introduction to z/OS Job Control Language (JCL). Attendees will be introduced to the coding of job control statements to execute programs and access datasets in a z/OS environment. They will also learn how to write and test catalogued procedures.
During the second week, ABEND Analysis and MVS Error Reporting & Dumps are covered, alomg with UNIX System Services, a RACF overview, and introductions to network security and z/OSMF.
Throughout both weeks the formal classroom teaching is combined with an engaging and progressive series of hands-on practical sessions using a variety of IBM utilities.
This course is available for exclusive, one-company presentations.
What you will learn
On successful completion of this course you will be able to:
- identify the principal components of IBM z Systems
- describe how data is stored, the different data codes and types, and the devices used
- explain the concepts of operating systems
- use basic TSO commands
- use and customise ISPF panel structures
- browse and edit datasets
- customise ISPF edit profiles
- use advanced edit functions
- submit and manage batch jobs
- use the ISPF utilities such as copy and list
- use search facilities
- state the purpose of each z/OS job control statement
- code JCL statements to access disk and cartridge files
- describe and use the commonly used parameters
- correct syntax errors in JCL statements
- code in-stream procedures and override, nullify and add parameters
- appreciate the implications of SMS when using z/OS JCL
- understand the concept of an ABEND
- analyze ABEND situations
- resolve ABEND situations
- understand and use the terminology associated with UNIX
- describe basic UNIX concepts
- issue UNIX shell commands
- identify and utilise key shell commands such as 'find', 'grep', etc.
- explain the changes that have been made to the MVS platform in order to support applications created for a UNIX environment
- identify the facilities and functions provided within USS
- utilise ISHELL.
- understand the concepts behind RACF and its terminology
- describe the principles of network security
- understand z/OS Management Facility.
Who Should Attend
All those who need a fast-track into the z/OS world.
10 days
Fee (per attendee)
This includes free online 24/7 access to course notes.
Hard copy course notes are available on request from rsmshop@rsm.co.uk
at £50.00 plus carriage per set.
Course Code
The IBM Z Systems Technical Environment
Origins; Types of computers; General purpose; Scientific; Scientific AND general purpose?; The PC; The Graphical User Interface (GUI); The application development backlog; The Local Area Network (LAN); Who runs the distributed data centre?; Total Cost of Ownership (TCO); Today's real world; What is a mainframe?; What can it do?; Hardware and software; Types of computing; Batch; Batch processing today; Interactive; On-line; Real time.
Enterprise Computing Hardware
Enterprise computing hardware; An IBM Z Systems data centre and its contents; The processor complex; Parallel sysplex; Channels; Controllers; I/O units; Addressing; Local and remote; Disk storage; Old technology; Storing data on a traditional disk; The cylinder concept; Sectors; Cache storage; RAID - a newer technology; Disk Mirroring (RAID-1); Data Striping (RAID 5/6); Remote Disk copy; Virtual disks; Optical disks; Why magnetic tape?; Reel to reel tape; Cartridges; High performance tapes; Automated Tape Libraries; Virtual Tape Server; Other Input/output peripherals; Terminals, Laser printers, Line printers, Micro film and microfiche; Magnetic Ink Character Recognition; Optical Character Recognition; Bar codes; Communications equipment.
Z Systems Software and Programs
What is software?; Types of software; System software; Exits; Application software; What does a program comprise?; Main module; Subroutines and procedures; Functions; Data; EBCDIC; ASCII; Building a program; Programming languages; Executing a program.
Practical Operations
Who runs the IT environment?: Operators, Help Desk Operatives, Security Administrators, Systems Programmers, Storage Administrators, Network Analysts, Application Developers/Support' Database Administrators.
z/OS Operating System
The z/OS operating system - MVS; Some important definitions; Address spaces; Common area; Private area; Main components of MVS; MVS processing environments; On-line; TSO; z/OS communications server; VTAM; TCP/IP; JES: JES2, Transaction Servers: CICS, IMS; Databases: Db2, IMS; UNIX System Services; WebSphere Application Server.
Introduction to TSO
What is TSO; main uses of TSO; using TSO; when the TSO screen fills; logging on to TSO; logging off.
Basic TSO Commands
SEND, LISTBC, LISTALC, HELP and PROFILE commands; command prompting; aborting a TSO command.
Introduction to ISPF
What is ISPF?; the ISPF panels; the pull-down menus; the Primary Option Menu; changing ISPF settings, function settings and log/list defaults; identifying error messages, entering TSO commands from ISPF, exiting from ISPF.
Browsing datasets in ISPF
Dataset naming rules and conventions; DASD dataset organisation; Partitioned Datasets; Partitioned Dataset Extended; specifying dataset names, PDS member list panel and shortcuts; browsing the data; scrolling; FIND command; finding picture strings; the LOCATE command; splitting the screen.
Basic Edit via ISPF
The editing process; the edit entry panel; member or dataset edit panel; scrolling during edit; edit line commands; manipulating lines; ending an edit session.
The ISPF Edit profile
Function of the Edit profile; displaying the Edit profile; profile options; creating new members; the insert and delete keys; CHANGE command; UNDO command; when you get locked up.
Advanced Edit with ISPF
Excluding and re-displaying lines; RESET command; switching between upper and lower case; column boundaries; text entry facilities; tab settings; manipulating data; submitting a batch job; nested edit sessions; saving data; cancelling an edit session.
Basic ISPF utilities
Utility selection menu; library utility; data set utility; move/copy utility; hardcopy utility; outlist utility.
ISPF Data Set List Utility
Dataset list; wildcard characters; dataset list and member list line commands; using a TSO command; SHOWCMD command; VTOC list and information; freeing unused space; repeating commands.
SuperC and Search-For
SuperC utility; SuperCE utility; Search-For utility; Search-ForE utility.
z/OS: Structure and Components
MVS background and history; MVS main memory and virtual storage; MVS versions; Address space layout; Common area; Private area; Main components of MVS; MVS processing environments: On-line, TSO, ISPF, Batch; MVS spooling; Other program products and their functions.
Introduction to z/OS JCL
Basic job structure; Job stream processing; JCL output; JCL statement types; JCL statement format and coding rules; JES2 control statements; JES3 control statements; JCL error points.
The JOB Statement
The JOB statement overview; Accounting information - positional; Programmer's name - positional; Keyword parameters; Other keyword parameters; Example JOB statements.
The EXEC Statement
The EXEC statement; EXEC format - program; EXEC format - procedure; EXEC keyword parameters; Other EXEC keyword parameters; COND parameter; EVEN or ONLY; Example EXEC statements; EXEC statement summary.
Printing and In-stream Data
Print files & In-stream data; Printing: Examples, DEST, COPIES, DCB; Output statement; OUTPUT statement: Implicit, Explicit, Multiple output; Output statement parameters; Examples; OUTDISP parameter; In-stream data.
The DD Statement
The DD statement; DD parameters: DSN, DISP, UNIT and VOL; SMS considerations; DD statement summary: Existing catalogued dataset, Existing non-catalogued dataset.
he DD Statement - Working with Datasets
Dataset types; Sequential datasets; Partitioned Data Sets; VSAM datasets; BUFNO; Accessing existing datasets; Creating new non-VSAM datasets; Data Control Block parameters; SPACE parameter; Space allocation DSCBs; System Managed Storage: Disk datasets with SMS, Space allocation with SMS. DCB parameters with SMS; Creating VSAM datasets in JCL; Generation datasets; SMS GDG considerations; Stages in creating a generation dataset; Tape datasets; . LABEL parameter; DD statement summary; Creating a new dataset on disk - non-SMS; Creating a new tape dataset.
Further DD Considerations
Special ddnames; JOBLIB; STEPLIB; Dump datasets; Concatenated datasets; Temporary dataset names; Dummy datasets.
Catalogued Procedures
JCL procedures; In-stream procedures; What a catalogued procedure cannot contain; Cataloguing a procedure; INCLUDE statement; Calling a procedure; Symbolic parameters; Examples of symbolic translation; Default parameters; Resolving symbolic parameters; SET statement; Modifying EXEC statement parameters; Modifying DD parameters; Concatenated datasets; Adding DD statements; Substitution prefixes; Using a standard COBOL compile/link/go procedure.
Conditional JCL Statements
The general construct; Name field; Relational-expression field; Relational-expression keywords; Comparison operators; Logical operators; NOT operator; Order of priority of operators; Parentheses; THEN and ELSE clauses; Contents of THEN and ELSE clauses; IF/THEN/ELSE/ENDIF and COND.
Common MVS Abend Codes
Problem handling; Program abends; Common MVS completion codes.
ABEND Analysis
What is ABEND?; the MVS ABEND service; why ABEND?; allows for recovery routines ; task termination; tasks in an Address Space; how RTM is invoked; program checks; ABEND; how to trigger an ABEND; ABEND macro and SVC 13; CALLRTM macro; why not normal end?; application detected software errors; system detected software errors; all the system ABEND codes; where do you see the ABEND codes?; the NOTIFY message; the SYSLOG; the job log; the symptom dump; ABEND dumps; SVC dumps; Stand-Alone dumps; the symptom dump in the SYSLOG; the symptom dump in the job log; explanations of ABEND and reason codes; IBM z/OS manuals on the web; Quickref and similar tools; analysis approach; examples of ABEND code explanation; system messages - a good information source; system message prefix; message level; standard message types; alternative message types; message identifier and MVS components; examples of system messages; explanation of system messages; common system ABEND codes; system ABEND code numbers; common SVCs and their macros; the x22 codes - caused by outside events; the x13 codes - OPEN problems; other x13 codes; example of S013-18; 806 - Program not found; sequence of events; example of S806-04; 804, 80A, 878, 878 and DC2 - virtual storage problems; the Virtual Address Space; "above the bar"; traditional address space areas; the need for managing virtual storage; storage for the program code; storage obtained outside the program; Virtual Storage requests; limitations on Virtual Storage; ABEND and reason codes; requests for storage below 2 GB (GETMAIN and STORAGE OBTAIN); requests for storage above 2 GB (IAR64 GETSTOR); the REGION limit; the effects of different REGION values; example of ABEND S822; the MEMLIMIT parameter; example of ABEND SDC2; the 0Cx codes; the Program Check Interrupt; running RTM1; PC FLIH and ABENDs; the meaning of Program Checks; common ABENDs from Program Checks; ABEND S0C4; Storage Protect Keys; virtual address protection; reasons for translation exceptions; address truly invalid; address valid - new area; address valid - old area; other S0Cx ABENDs; PIC 0001 Operation Exception (ABEND S0C1); PIC 0002 Privileged Operation Exception (ABEND S0C2); PIC 0007 Data Exception (ABEND S0C7); the S0E0 and 0Dx codes; miscellaneous problems; problems with translations; Linkage Stack problems; the Sx37 and SB14 codes; Sx37; EOV processing; how disk data sets are allocated; Physical Sequential (PS) data sets; problems when allocating a PS data set; initial allocation; primary allocation failure; data set full; no secondary allocation (SD37-04); secondary allocations (SB37-04); example of unavailable primary allocation; example of SD37-04; message IEC031I; example of ABEND SB37-04; message IEC030I; Partitioned Data Sets (PDS); problems when allocating a PDS; initial allocation; data set full; no secondary allocation (SD37-04); secondary allocations (SE37-04); directory full (SB14-0C); example of ABEND SE37-04; message IEC032I; example of ABEND SB14; message IEC217I; Partitioned Data Sets Extended (PDSE); problems when allocating a PDSE; summary of common system ABEND codes; other ABEND codes; MVS system codes (Sxxx); user ABEND codes (Uxxxx).
MVS Error Reporting & Dumps
System error reporting; MVS dumps; Stand-Alone Dump (SADUMP); SVC dumps; user ABEND dumps; SYSUDUMP; SYSABEND; SYSMDUMP; CEEDUMP; generating a user ABEND dump; system generated ABEND dump; snap dumps; symptom dumps; review questions.
Introduction to UNIX & Open Systems
Where did UNIX come from?; Modern UNIX history; The UNIX 'culture'; Commercial UNIX systems; What is 'Open Systems'?; Some 'official' definitions; Open platforms; Portable Operating System Interface - POSIX; The POSIX standards; Open Group branding; What is DCE?
UNIX System Overview
UNIX internals overview; The Kernel; System calls; Processes and programs; The shell; Tools; UNIX shells; The UNIX file system; The system files - /etc, /dev, /bin and others; UNIX security basics; UNIX User ids (uids); User attributes; Access control in UNIX; File access control attributes; Meaning of permissions; Changing user and file attributes; Changing user information; Changing file information; File permission and user mask; Additional permission bits; User account information; User-determined information; The root username - the superuser.
The Kernel & the Shell
The Kernel; The Shell; Main shell functions; Basic command syntax; Input and Output redirection; Examples of redirecting Input and Output; Piping input between commands; Environment variables; Special shell variables; Shell variables; Local and environment variables; Special keyboard operations; Online help; UNIX multitasking; Placing a command in background; Monitoring background commands;; Controlling background commands; Moving processes between foreground and background; File wild card searches; Shell programming; Shell programming commands and features; Passing arguments to shell programs; Shells and shell commands; Overview of commands; Command history.
The UNIX File System Concept
UNIX file types; Directory structure; Paths and file names; zFS and HFS; Recommended file structure; Lengths of path and file names; Specifying UNIX files in z/OS; Creating, listing and viewing files; Positioning current work directory; Path and file name lengths; Working with directories; File system protection; Assigning file attributes; Permission attributes (r, w, x); Assigning permission attributes to a file; Setting file permissions - chmod; File attributes; Default file permissions - umask; Links - file name 'alias'; Hard links; Hard links and i-node numbers; Hard link - listing; Symbolic links; Additional list options; Listing files - pattern matching; Locating files - find; The find command; Additional search qualifiers; Copying files - cp; Moving and removing files; Controlling Input and Output; Passing files between programs - pipes; Regular expressions; Searching for strings in files - grep; grep - a science in its own right; grep and regular expressions; Sorting text files - sort; Formatting files with pr; Printing to hardcopy - lp; Example of files and directories.
Interactive USS
Invoking USS; Running USS interactively; Login to USS; TSO terminal support - Pseudo TTY; TSO or asynchronous, OCS or direct?; 1003.1 Compliant communication functions; The shell; The OMVS command; Default PF keys in OMVS; OMVS subcommands; Shell commands; TSO/E commands and ISPF panels; ISPF panel for file management - ISHELL; Directory list; File - drop down menu; The ISPF edit panel; Directory - drop down menu; OEDIT and OBROWSE.
Introduction to RACF
What is required of a security system?; IBM's Resource Access Control Facility (RACF); Main RACF/MVS components; How does RACF work?; RACF Profiles; RACF classes; Controlling access; RACF commands.
Understanding RACF Network Security
Why secure the TCP/IP network; What is required of a security system?; IBM's Resource Access Control Facility (RACF); Main RACF - z/OS components; How does RACF work?; RACF profiles: Group profiles, User profiles, Dataset profiles, General resource profiles; Resource classes; RACF commands.
Understanding the z/OS Management Facility
Objectives; The reason for z/OSMF; z/OSMF user interface; z/OSMF as a Server/Client application; z/OSMF - other interfaces; The use of ZIIPs; z/OSMF available tasks; z/OSMF tasks in detail Logging on to z/OSMF; Desktop vs Classic Style; Cloud provisioning and management.