Db2 for z/OS: Exploiting Temporal Tables

Many IT systems require historical data to be kept, in addition to the current status information. Db2 10 for z/OS introduced temporal data support to provide this functionality, whereby the historical data is automatically maintained. This intensive course provides an in-depth look at how temporal tables may be created and exploited. This course also covers the concept and usage of archive tables, as subsequently introduced with Db2 11 for z/OS.

Virtual Classroom Environment dates - click to book!

UK Start Times

24 April 2025

What is a 'Virtual Classroom Environment'?


What do I need?

  • webcam
  • headphones with microphone
  • sufficient bandwidth, at least 1.5 Mb/s in each direction.

What you will learn

On successful completion of this course you will be able to:

  • identify applications that may benefit from using temporal tables
  • describe how temporal tables may be used to automatically handle historical data by using data versioning
  • explain the difference between system-period and application-period data versioning
  • define and use system and application-period temporal tables
  • describe and use the new period-specification clauses in the SQL language
  • use new utility options specific to temporal tables
  • describe and use archive tables'.

Who Should Attend

DBAs, application designers, application developers and support personnel.


A good understanding of Db2 and experience of using SQL.


1 day

Fee (per attendee)

£695 (ex VAT)


This includes free online 24/7 access to course notes.


Hard copy course notes are available on request from rsmshop@rsm.co.uk

at £50.00 plus carriage per set.

Course Code



Introduction to Temporal Tables

The need for historical data; traditional methods for handling historical data; temporal table support; system-period temporal tables; application-period temporal tables.

Defining System-Period Temporal Tables

Creating system-period temporal tables; Defining the system-period temporal table; ROW BEGIN, ROW END & TRANSACTION START ID columns; Defining the history table; Enabling system-period data versioning; Enabling an existing table for system-period data versioning; System-period data versioning example; Catalog tables.

Defining Application-Period Temporal Tables

Defining the application-period temporal table; Overlapping data; BUSINESS_TIME WITHOUT OVERLAPS; Modifying existing tables; Index creation; Catalog tables.

SQL Extensions for Temporal Tables

SYSTEM_TIME period-specification; FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF . . .; FOR SYSTEM_TIME FROM . . . TO . . .; FOR SYSTEM_TIME BETWEEN . . . AND . . .; BUSINESS_TIME period specification; FOR BUSINESS_TIME AS OF . .; FOR PORTION OF BUSINESS_TIME; Traditional UPDATE; UPDATE for time period - qualifying rows; Row category and behaviour; Row behaviour example (UPDATE); Row behaviour example (DELETE); Reasons to be cautious!!; Special registers and BIND options (DB2 11).

Archive Tables

Archiving old data; Archive tables (Db2 11 for z/OS); Defining archive tables; NSERT, UPDATE & MERGE behaviour; SELECT behaviour.

Db2 Utility Options for Temporal Tables

Utility restrictions; LISTDEF additions; LISTDEF behaviour examples; RECOVER utility; LOAD utility.

Practical Exercises

Defining temporal tables; manipulating and reporting data in temporal tables.

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