Database Application Programming with JDBC

Java is now a well-accepted programming language within enterprises. Consequently it is becoming more and more often necessary to access existing or new relational databases from these Java applications. Although most application developers build their programs in an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), having a basic knowledge on how databases are accessed from Java code is a must. This course provides the foundations on how data can be stored into and retrieved from relational databases using JDBC (Java Data Base Connectivity).

This course is available for one-company presentations live over the Internet, via RSM's Virtual Classroom Environment service.

What you will learn

On successful completion of this course you will be able to:

  • describe how data can be stored into relational databases using JDBC (Java Data Base Connectivity)
  • explain how data can be retrieved from relational databases using JDBC (Java Data Base Connectivity).

Who Should Attend

Application developers, technical analysts and database administrators who are involved in the development of Java applications that access relational databases.


Attendees should have experience (at least 3 months) with Java programming programming, and be familiar with basic SQL.


1 day

Fee (per attendee)



This includes free online 24/7 access to course notes.


Hard copy course notes are available on request from

at £50.00 plus carriage per set.

Course Code



Overview of JDBC

JDBC vs ODBC; different types of JDBC drivers; two-tier vs. three-tier vs. n-tier.

Using JDBC: the basics

Connecting to the database; preparing and executing SQL select statements; processing the result: handling multiple rows · exception handling; non-select statements.


Calling stored procedures; scrollable result sets; advanced topics: transactions,· locking,· JNDI: changes with JDBC 2.0.

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